In this video: 00:00:04 - C Melodic Minor, single, double, and triad scales to G Major 00:00:40 - C Melodic Minor to Gmajor in Drop 2 Position 00:00:53 - C Melodic Minor to Gmajor in Raised 2 Position 00:01:05 - Amin7b5 Variations to G 00:01:35 - Db Melodic Minor, single, double, and triad scales to Ab Major 00:02:11 - Db Melodic Minor to Abmajor in Drop 2 Position 00:02:29 - Db Melodic Minor to Abmajor in Raised 2 Position 00:02:54 - Extra Practice to reinforce the correct way to play the exercise 00:03:30 - Bbmin7b5 Variations to Ab 00:04:09 - D Melodic Minor, single, double, and triad scales to A Major 00:04:45 - D Melodic Minor to Amajor in Drop 2 Position 00:04:57 - D Melodic Minor to Amajor in Raised 2 Position 00:05:10 - Sean corrects his mistake on the C# ascending 00:05:45 - D Melodic Minor to Amajor in Raised 2 Position corrected 00:05:55 - Bmin7b5 Variations to A 00:06:20 - Eb Melodic Minor, single, double, and triad scales to Bb Major 00:06:55 - Eb Melodic Minor to Bbmajor in Drop 2 Position 00:07:10 - Eb Melodic Minor to Bbmajor in Raised 2 Position 00:07:24 - Cmin7b5 Variations to Bb 00:07:48 - E Melodic Minor, single, double, and triad scales to B Major 00:08:39 - E Melodic Minor to Bmajor in Drop 2 Position (half speed) 00:09:34 - E Melodic Minor to Bmajor in Drop 2 Position (full speed) to reinforce the learning 00:10:30 - E Melodic Minor to Bmajor in Raised 2 Position 00:10:41 - C#min7b5 Variations to B 00:11:16 - F Melodic Minor, single, double, and triad scales to C Major 00:11:57 - F Melodic Minor to Cmajor in Drop 2 Position 00:12:36 - F Melodic Minor to Cmajor in Raised 2 Position 00:12:51 - Sean showing the process of figuring out what chord is next 00:13:18 - Dmin7b5 Variations to C 00:13:42 - F# Melodic Minor, single, double, and triad scales to C# Major 00:14:18 - F# Melodic Minor to C#major in Drop 2 Position (half speed) 00:15:51 - F# Melodic Minor to C#major in Raised 2 Position (half speed) 00:16:21 - F# Melodic Minor to C#major in Raised 2 Position full speed to reinforce 00:16:45 - Sean Making a connection between keys and chords 00:17:01 - Ebmin7b5 Variations to Db Downloads for this lesson MIDI File Melodic Minor Full Session MIDI File