I will teach you to play Gospel Piano like the Pros
Stop feeling confused and start growing again
Ear Musicians NEed 3 Things to Grow
Use MIDI Files to learn ANY song as the notes light up on the keyboard. Watch and Learn at Turtle Speed!!
For More MIDI Files see Sean Wilson Piano youtube channel and look in the description area for the song you want or search the name of the song you want in google with the word"midi files" after the word
MIDI Files
It is no surprise that pianist that have good mentors and teachers do up to 5x better than those who try to learn by themselves or have poor teachers!
FYI, Sean was rated one of the top teachers on RateMYProfessor!
Where do most musicians go when they struggle? Having a support group to learn from, hold your accountable, and grow with is the primary cause of success
Surround yourself with a group of musicians who believe in your potential!