Fingering: how to explode your accuracy, precision, and speed on the piano

In This Live Training Session, we discuss three things:

  • The 3 components of a successful practice strategy
  • The MIDI Software that everyone needs to be using right now
  • A SOLO Idea based on a shout groove pattern

See the QUESTIONS Underneath the Video BEFORE you watch to increase learning and retention


Total Viewing Time: 1 hour 

Learn the Solo Idea in the Video BELOW in 15 MINUTES!! *Using the strategies learned from the Video. This isnt just empty theories. It works!

Here are the Seven chunks for the Solo Idea in the Lesson

Chunk 1 (Eb - Db - B - C)

Chunk 2 (Ab - G - Gb - Bb)

Chunk 3 (F - E - Eb - Gb)

Chunk 4 (F - E - Eb - D - Db -  C - B)

Chunk 5 (B- Eb - G - Bb - Ab)

The starting "B" Is missing in the lick above. You need to add the 'B' before the Eb

Chunk 6 (Eb - F# - E - F)

Chunk 7 (Eb - F# - E - F)

For this one I would make up some kind of diminished voicing. It doesn't have to use these exact notes. The goal is to somehow get back to your Starting Point: the Eb from Chunk 1 above and restart the sequence

Now isnt that a FASTER WAY TO LEARN???


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

So the whole learning in chunks thing? How do YOU do it?

How slowly do you practice, honestly though?

Feel It? That one doesn't seem as useful as the others

Do you use Synthesia for accuracy all the time?

This was a good lesson. Do you have any more solo ideas?
