Master the Diminished Sound
Everything you need to know about using the Diminished Sound while playing
View MasterclassThis Roadmap contains 3 types of activities
Everything you need to know about using the Diminished Sound while playing
View MasterclassLearning to use the Half-Diminished sound is the key to nice progressions
View TrainingKey Dominant Diminished Scale Notes C C, Db, Eb, E, F#, G, A, Bb Db C#, D, E, F, G, Ab, Bb, B D D, Eb,…
Start courseThese exercises will help you use Diminished Sounds and Movements while playing. These lessons will eventually include, root form, and Drop 2 Diminished Scale Exercises
Start courseActivities to help you apply Half-Diminished Movements
Activities to help you apply Diminished Movements to your songs
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