Song List –
Here is a list of songs you can learn at every level. These are not only songs from Sean, but Sean has compiled the songs so that you can sort by levels
Section 1 Novice (Starting Out)
Section 2 Beginner (Growing)
Section 3 Competent (Knowledgeable)
Section 4 Proficient (intermediate)
- Lesson 1 I can play a 6/9 chord in root position in every key Start Lesson
- Lesson 2 I can play a 13(b9) chord in every key Start Lesson
- Lesson 3 I can play a b9b5 chord voicing in every key Start Lesson
- Lesson 4 I can play an Altered chord in every key Start Lesson
- Lesson 5 I can play a 7(b9) chord voicing in every key Start Lesson
- Lesson 6 I can play a 7(#9) chord voicing in every key Start Lesson
- Lesson 7 I can play rootless 13 (no 5) chord in context Start Lesson
Section 5 Advanced Musician
- Lesson 1 I can play all the Major, Minor, Melodic, and Harmonic Scale modes in every key Start Lesson
- Lesson 2 I can play and utilize a variety of Bepop, Blues, and various Gospel Bump licks while playing Start Lesson
- Lesson 3 I can improv a song or section of a song using the following voicings concepts and ideas listed below Start Lesson
- Lesson 4 I can play all major, minor, dominant, and half-dim chords and their variants in Drop 2 position with proper placement within a song Start Lesson
- Lesson 5 I am able to come up with melodies and harmonize them with Drop 2 voicings on the spot and 13 no 5 and I understand the placement of when to use these voicings Start Lesson
- Lesson 6 I have multiple progressions to get to the Major and Minor Voicings Start Lesson
- Lesson 7 I am able to transcribe what I hear Top Musicians playing during a Live Performance using the ability to recognize the 4 four types in various extensions and inversions, sus chords, dim7, and augmented chords Start Lesson
- Lesson 8 Song Suggestions Start Lesson