Cory Henry Practice Session
“The Development of Melodic Lines is a Process
- Sean -
In this unscripted and unrehearsed footage of Cory fooling around on the organ we get to see insight into Cory's way of thinking and how he builds solos and bebop lines. In particular this video discusses 4 areas:
The Way Cory Plays the Blues Scale
In this Video, Cory is playing the Major Blues Scale: the notes are:
What's it For? You can this scale as a foundation for many of your Blues solos.
The Types of Solos to use for fast gospel runs
The Full Lesson is available to Members of Sean Wilson Piano Membership Site. To see information on how to join the Site click button below
I just realized that the C major blues scale is different from the C blues scale
Cmajor blues vs Cminor Blues (most folks when they say Blues Scale assume to C minor blues)