Your First Step: Embrace Your New Identity


Welcome!! Watch the Video!! Don't skip this important step of understanding your musical identity.


This is the Master Musician Motto and Mindset:

  1. I am obsessed with developing musical language
  2. I embrace progress over perfection
  3. I can be a Master Musician now even as I am growing

Upload a picture of your Statement HERE


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  • Chevonne says:

    Can’t wait to get started!

  • sean says:

    Developing language requires effort yet. But are we putting our efforts into the right things? My website wants to show you WHERE you should be spending your effort, but remember the goal: Musical Language. Let’s do this!!

  • sean says:

    Embrace Progress over Perfection!!! Yes!! I love this one! Because so many of us have a “once I arrive then I’ll be ______ ” [insert whatever word]… but this thing is a journey. We have to embrace that journey. If you’re not passionate about this thing, you gotta start there, and find your real purpose and love and embrace our imperfections as we grow. Progress is all I want!!

  • sean says:

    I am a Master Musician NOW!!! Yes, you can BE the thing you are becoming!! Once you realize music comes from inside and it’s internal. You don’t start making music once you are advanced. You can make music as a baby. It’s not about skill level, it’s as natural as talking. You’re already a Master Musician, embrace it… let it flow out of you!

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